Ready, Set, Go!


As I sit here awaiting for the upcoming week I can’t help but think of all of the “to do’s” on my list. These next two weeks are going to feel really crazy. This week I need to document data for a piloting program I have been doing for the past 2.5 years, start and finish report cards, send out reminder slips to my parents for conferences, remind my students for our leprechaun traps, but also forewarn them about the upcoming storm we may have that could possibly put a damper on bringing traps to school by Thursday before our early dismissal that day! Phew.

Thursday afternoon is a workshop for teachers and all day Friday is another workshop. The following week starts conferences for me. I have them before and after school Monday, then bowling Monday night (Yes, I am in a league… haha), IEP Tuesday followed by a conference, IEP Wednesday, Grand Jury Duty on Thursday then back to school for a full night of conferences.

I am exhausted just typing it all out. During busy times in our year like this we must remember to breathe and relax. I like to think of myself as being pretty good with time management. But I find that in some cases, it just isn’t possible to avoid crazy schedules. This too, shall pass! Happy Monday everyone!

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I am a Kindergarten teacher and mother of 2. I also have a little hobby of making signs during my "free time". I have never blogged before and am anxious to see how this goes!

5 thoughts on “Ready, Set, Go!”

  1. Despite your busy, long schedule, I love your positive attitude that comes through in your ending.
    Your can do attitude is rubbing off. I think we can ALL do it all!! You are a good cheerleader!


  2. How do you fit in bowling for yourself with two small children? We do end up making it through these busy times…thanks to our TO DO list that keeps changing all the time! I love making a list and crossing things off just to add more things! Never ending!


  3. You hit it on the head. So much. We do need to take care of ourselves and eat lots of chocolate. I have been so busy with the extra things, that I need to find my teaching rhythm again. It will be over soon.


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